Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Right on time

Unfortunately, Tuesday night I started to develop pain...I haven't gone to a Dr. because I'm sure  they'll just give me pain meds and I've got plenty of those and the more emergent issue, (hydronephrosis) can be relieved if the trial works, otherwise I'd need a stent placed.

This whole waiting bit may have gone on too long, but if they'll move quickly in SF, and I have good response on trial, it shouldn't be too bad.  I just hope they will have a slot open on the trial, which I'm lead to believe they will, and that they will get me started the same day, possibly.

Pain is in abdomen and back in the kidney region.  Abdominal pain is weird, feels like a pulled muscle or something.  Kidney pain is expected due to hydronephrosis and is the more sever.  If I don't move none of it bothers me, but if I have to bend or twist it's pretty bad.  Tylenol is working for the abdominal pain, but less so for the kidney.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Had some trouble getting a hold of SF again for this trial I want to get on.  I missed the single call back they made to me and hadn't gotten another after repeated attempts to reach them.  Sure, busy, but maybe also someone is out of the office, I don't know, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

At this point I am scheduled to meet with the study lead again, but more importantly I will get a CT and should demonstrate that the disease has progressed which should finally allow me to get on study...

AND I found a neat tool to locate parking in the cities...