Thursday, October 30, 2008

Head em up, move em out!

Blood counts came back good enough for me to begin round 2 of chemo tomorrow. Heading up with Mark around 6/6:30 to "Chez UWMC" where I'll be reunited umbilically with 'Beaker.' Vanity forced me to purchase actual sleepwear so I don't have to wear the 5X too big PJ's that they provide, but I'll use em in a pinch. Also some slippers so I don't stub my toes like last time and they're soled, so more "out"ings are possible.

A note about hair loss, I've had a 5'oclock shadow since Monday; how cool is that!?!?!?

1 comment:

J Yang said...

I totally didn't notice when I saw you!