Thursday, March 12, 2009

About the my 4th round of chemo

First day was just fine, Mark dropped me off and we hung out until it got a bit later and Mark took off. Despite my best efforts to get things started early, they were in no hurry, so I finally got my chemo drugs at about 5pm... This just means my discharge is at an inconvenient hour, so I end up staying to the morning. They get the chemo started and I'm feeling fine, but I have no appetite for the hospital food this time. The first 2 rounds it wasn't bad, but that last two I just couldn't stomach it, the thought of it just left me feeling like I could skip it. I wisely had stopped at the grocer before admit, so had brought some frozen dinners I knew wouldn't offend me and I would eat. Those ended up being all I ate....

By the next morning I'm already feeling the chemo kill my appetite and my mouth getting all numb. This is par for the course, but the appetite thing really worries the nurses and they even suggest marinol, the drug from marijuana that increases appetite. I tell them that I'll at least eat dinner so it's not a big deal which seems to pacify them... I took a stroll and rested. Resting is about all I feel up to when I start to feel the "Adria" get to me.

:gross part:
One thing I have to do while on chemo is collect my urine so they can test it for blood; the "Ifos" damages your bladder, but they give me drugs for that. So EVERY time I pee, I have to pee in a pitcher and leave it in the bathroom. That wouldn't be so bad. I've mentioned before that you take on this whole smell of chemo as the drugs are infused througout your body, well this includes the urine and that makes having to collect it pretty icky. First, wierd smell of my "chemo-sweat" is gross, my stomach is rambunctious, the urine is especially punjent, and there just seems to be no escaping it. Did I mention this is EVERY time I pee and they have me drink loads of water....
:end gross:

The rest of the time is pretty much the same, just hanging out, drinking loads of water, making a few laps, and sleeping tons. Thankfully, that was it for a while!

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