Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 days of radiation down 28 to go

It doesn't look that bad on paper, and so far it doesn't seem all that bad, but I'm getting plenty of warning that it could really tire me out; I have my doubts as I've done so well with everything else.

My attitude's been blah lately; things are getting to me and I'm having trouble "idealizing" a great outcome. Must try harder, so little time.

1 comment:

amby670 said...

You can do it! Stay positive. You are so close to the end. To pep myself up I looked up every music festival or event in the area and put them on my calendar so that I have something to look forward to every weekend. You should try it- it really helps when the weekdays are dragging...

Why 28 days? Is that the norm for radiation? A whole month straight or do you skip days in between?

All they have told me is that I will be pretty fatigued. I figure it will be no different from the chemo