Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Driving Rain, Pain, and No 9

Well the drive last night turned out to be pretty rough actually.  Pain had started to present a bit yesterday, and gave me a general feeling of discomfort.  I generally avoid pain meds, so I didn't even take Tylenol.  Well, the pain progressed and I was probably kept awake on the drive because of it.  That's good, right!?!?!  I ended up picking up some Tylenol at a gas station and was able to make it to Allan's and crash(SLEEP) there like he graciously let's me ALL the time...

I got up to a light gray day in Seattle and went for my port blood draw, then meet with Dr.  Pain was still present and in varying degrees.  4-7 on the scale I suppose.  As long as I just sit, it's a 4, start moving a lot and I'm slower and 7.  Told Dr. about it and asked it it's any indication of a response, since it primarily was presenting at what I know to be tumor sites.  In typical fashion he wouldn't/couldn't say yes or know, but we decided to move imaging up to see if I'm getting a response.  That can change, because I have other indicators I can watch for a response.

We talked about the other trials I've told him I'm interested and he indicated what he's found is that they aren't accruing more patients.  I need to check that, but thought he could get better results.  He also indicated he's still trying to track down information on the Ixtodax trial that I'm interested in.  Said he's still working on it and hasn't had much luck, the lead investigator seems to be LOA.

Proceeded to infusion and was able to get in to that quickly.  I asked if they had to give me the Benedryl, I was under the impression it was only for the research med, butis actually for the taxol.  I was able to get it changed to claratin so I wouldn't be forced to stay another night to sleep off the benedryl.  It worked well, I didn't have any adverse reactions to the taxol, and left promptly.

Drive back was almost complete RAIN until about 30 miles from home.  Pain was actually diminished so that was nice, but I did get into some traffic and ended up getting home later than anticipated.  Was pleasantly surprised to find Beethoven's No 9 being played on the radio and had a good listen to that...not a bad driving tune there.

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