Sunday, January 19, 2014

Another 2 month follow up and end of the most recent trial.

I was expecting some bad news.  after the last check up I began having problems with the drugs and wasn't able to continue taking them with any regularity.  I ended up missing quite a few doses, and began noticing signs of disease progression.  I had hoped they would be able to provide other drugs to help tolerate the problems and allow me to continue with the trial, but they weren't.  Also, they didn't have any other trials that I could try and gave me the handshake that they always give you when they can't help you anymore and I believe is kind of a kiss of death... 

I returned home, anxious to try to get on a new trial, but also knowing that I need to do something ASAP.  I spoke to my local oncologist and we've decided to go ahead with Gemcitabine/Docetaxel.  It's something to try, but I haven't read anything too promising about it for my particular condition.  In the mean time, I'm looking at some interesting trials and trying to get on them...wish me luck.