Saturday, April 17, 2010


I get the go ahead to be released today. The surgeon comes to see me, says he got what he thinks are clean margins, but it was around the vein and some nerves, so very difficult to cut away. We talked a bit about next steps but he just wants me to wait and talk with the whole team...

They look at the bandaged area, but it's this thick foam bandage so can't see anything. The residents came back late to take out the drain. It's an extremely weird feeling as they pull out the drain form this hole they put in me, above the incision. It's out and they bandage me up fresh. The incision looks great, they say. Probably the most painful part was when they pulled off that foam tape...I swear it sticks to everything, VERY well; I'm still sore in places from that tape. Later the nurse takes out my IV and I'm free to go. My ride arrives and we head back home. The drive back is uneventful, but we stop a few times so I can walk it out, and we keep heading east. Stop in Yakima for a Miner's burger and get home about an hour later. I keep resting.

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