Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chemo Round 7 (07/03/10 - 07/07/10)

They gave me the option of Saturday or Tuesday for the admit. I'm trying to get through this stuff as fast as possible, and after all the delays, I took Saturday. I've been non-plussed with this whole experience lately and the experience in the hospital is getting to me as well so I'm just trying to get this done.

The absense of Adria in my chemo regime is noticable and nice; I'm deffinetly not feeling as near a zombie as before. Ifos still has some effects on me, but I'm much more tolerant of them. Also, I don't have to stay in the hospital as long...depending on when I go in... and that is a relief as well. My chemo Dr. is the attending at the hospital these days so that is kind of interesting to see her daily so she gets to see how I'm doing with the chemo rather than hear about it.

They unhooked me at 10 on Tuesday night and said I could stay or go. I left and drove home as fast as I could.

Almost done...then I can get on with things, no real getting back to things...

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