Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just to clear things up

I just read that last post and it reads a bit ambiguously, so I thought I'd try to clear that up now.

Yes, it all was very good and clean from the surgery!!! And, that is what I expected.

I was getting pretty used to the idea of not having to do anything further as far as chemo and radiation, I'm really anxious to get back to normal, but they still want me to proceed with the original plan of additional rounds of chemo and the radiation. I agree, and chemo will start again the week of Feb 9.

In my discussion with my chemotherapist, Dr. Rodler, we talked about the possibility of a 5th round just to be sure. This will be an option, but Dr. Rodler also needs to be sure I continue to do well with the chemo in the first place. I am more concerned with my cardiovascular system and made mention of that. Basically that concern is delt with by just switching chemo drugs if my cardiovascular system were in danger.

I remain well, and am anxious to get this all behind me! All my best,

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