Thursday, May 16, 2013

Interesting supplement

At the stage I'm at, and for anyone on clinical trial, they prefer that you don't take any sort of supplement or herb, basically anything out of the ordinary diet while you are engaged in a trial.  I suppose it is for your safety, but my first instinct is to ensure a quality(accurate) experiment result.  As much as they can with the human being.  I have been diligent in observing the dogma and avoided supplements and herbs, etc, as I've gone along.  Now, as I'm off study and trying to find my next step, I'm free to go ahead and try some of the many supplements I have or have read about.

Believe me, most aren't even necessarily cancer fighting, just health promoting(hopefully).  There are some theories that supplements actually foster a biosystem in which cancer thrives...  I'm not convinced of that.  As far as health promoting supplements go, I have taken multivitamins and trace mineral supplements in the past and don't feel they were to my detriment.  Recently I stumbled upon Moringa, which as a plant is one of the most useful that I can perceive.  Every part of it is useable; the leaves are edible and contain a high amount of nutrients, the roots can be used to filter and sterilize water, and a variety of other things can be done with the plant.  I haven't taken any myself, but am anxious to.

But, I'm most anxious about a supplement I'd never heard of before last night.  It's sold as Avemar, but the supplement is fermented wheat germ extract.  What's interesting about this particular supplement is that it has gone through some clinical testing and been shown to benefit the cancer patient.  Specifically, "it has anticancer, antimetastatic, and immunomodulatory effects."  And those effects have been demonstrated in clinic!!!  I haven't been able to find details about it specific to my diagnosis, but I ordered it, and am anxious to start trying it and hope to benefit from it!

1 comment:

Amby670 said...

I was making Essiac Tea, which some people swear by. I also consulted with a naturopath skilled in chinese medicine. Some of the herbs targeted specific cells. My cancer was too aggressive for the chinese herbs, but i'm definitely willing to try Essiac Tea again.
Perhaps go to a naturopath?