Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CT results and Dr. visit

Got results from Dr. today.  The results were, ok I guess.  limited growth in some places, some growth in others.  My Dr. considers it stabilization and wants to proceed.  I think of things as being more urgent and that's what I told him.

I told him before we continue with the trial, I wanted to talk about other options and things.  I started by saying that I really felt like he and I are arguing about any of the next steps that I bring up to him.  He explained that he's trying to help and isn't trying to argue with me, but that the options I'm bringing are uphill battles.  I understand that, but I don't think he understand that if there are things I can do to help or look into, I will.  In this conversation, we ended up going over how difficult it may be for me to get on an off label drug and how he is not very convinced of it as viable for me.  I'm still not convinced, but I think we are back to communicating a little better, and I decided to go ahead with the trial to see if it helps.  I did also ask him to look further into some of these other options I want to try.

I really do think he doesn't want to have the fights with insurance and is so convinced of the answer they would give that he is resistant to even trying.  I just want him to at least try, and in a round about way, I think I've got him at least looking into these other options.

The discussion ended with me just reminding him that I know he's the expert, but I'm the patient....That seemed to at least give him pause.

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