Wednesday, October 22, 2008

how many Leukocytes make a person fit?

I had my blood work today. Simple blood draw and then they do some counting and come up with some number representative of my Leukocyte, white blood cell, count. Just a needle prick and quick draw and then I get to wait around for them to call me as say it's low, like they expected. So, I guess it's going as expected. To answer my own question, I have no idea what that number should be or what mine was, just it was low. That just means I get to avoid crowds and sources of infection = lots of TV time!!! or actually chore time at the house... But I did spend some time with a bowl of ice cream, Thanks for the tip Karla!!! ;)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

can't beat that, don't have to be around people and get to eat ice cream and watch tv. take an nap for me :) what a good mother I have!!!